Overview of the Architectural Process
Step One: Contact
Listening is what we do
At our first meeting we will review the basics of what you are envisioning to begin to translate a vision into a reality Design Tip #1: The more you know about what you want the more time and money you Save! Don't be shy start a file with clippings of images and products from magazines that want in your home and share it at our first meeting. |
Agenda for an Initial Consultation
Step Two: Contract
Summarizing the Kit of Parts
Taking in your design needs, project budget and the scope of work required to bring it all to life, we will set up a fee structure that is appropriate to your project Design Tip #2: No matter what architect or designer you go with always start your process with a written agreement or contract that details the services the your professional expects to render for the asked fee. It protects you and them! |
Contracts and Fee Types
All contracts will outline in detail the proposed architectural services and apply a fee structure however there are multiple types fee structures:
As well, it is a good policy to have a contingency budget (5% to 10% of the construction cost) for unforeseen condition found during construction or demolition. |
Step Three: Measure and Draw
The Design Phase
Depending on the project, there may be a need for your existing home to be measured (inside and/or outside). These measurements will then be used to generate "existing condition drawings" which detail what is currently on site, so that anything new can be coordinated with it. Design Tip #3: Unless your project is 100% interior or only cosmetic alteration to the exterior you will probably need a site survey. Every town requires certain set backs to be maintained depending on zoning and as such if you can hand you architect or designer a drawing or digital file of your property you are already off to a great start! Contact a licensed site survey (capable of digital output) or ask if your design professional can recommend some one. |
Steps to the Design Phase
Design Tip #4: Know what you want and make any design changes while the project is still on paper. It is cheaper to move a digital line than it is to remove or relocate a built wall. |
Step Four: Estimating Cost
Evaluating Cost
Using feed back for a contractor on what it would cost to build your project at this point, a determination can be made to scale back the scope of the project if the price is too high or be more ambitious and in a couple of those items that would be nice to have but not a priority should your budget allow. |
Construction Cost Estimate
With the design developed a "scope set" or "pricing package" is put together for a contractor to review and produce an estimate for what it would cost to build the specified project. |
Step Five: Final Documents
Construction Documents Phase
At this point all the planning comes to a head in a set of construction documents that outline everything a contractor will need to build your project. They will include all information on the architectural aspects of the building as well as coordinate all the structural, mechanical (heating & cooling), electrical, plumbing and any civil or site work required to make your building a reality. |
Summary of Typical Documents to Expect
Step Six: Build It
Hiring a Builder and Breaking Ground
As the owner of the project it is your job to hire the contractor/builder. If you already have a contractor selected then bidding your project may not be necessary, but if you are looking for competitive pricing, then your design professional can help you prepare documents and solicit bids from various contractors who desire to build your project. Once the bids come in your design professional can help you compare the proposed costs and find the builder that is right for you. Again remember the final decision on what builder to choose comes down to you. |
Bid-Negotiation Phase
(if owner has selected a general contractor, this phase may not be required)
Step Seven: Guide It
Construction Administration
Your design professional will guide the project through the construction phase. However your contractor/builder is solely responsible for construction methods / procedures, techniques, and schedules during construction. |
Goals of Construction Administration